life in india

This morning, I started my day by dissolving the instant miso soup I had brought with me from Japan in hot water.

I got used to living alone in India.

As always, Delhi is very chaotic no matter where you go.

I haven't met any Japanese people and have only been speaking in English,
 so I've gotten used to English.

Yesterday, I met people from various countries and interacted with them in many different places.

I am very proactive.

I've woken up in many ways.

It's very tiring, 
but it's really fulfilling.

I am deeply grateful to my family,
 co-workers, and close friends in Japan.

thank you very much.

October 16, 2023
Yusuke Yamamura in New Delhi

I made friends with people from various countries,
This is the first time I have made friends with an Israeli who is currently making news all over the world.

I will do my best to take care of my health today as well.

It's quite chaotic.     w

yamamura yusuke BLOG

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